only for 1 or 2 person : -Room only for 1 or 2 person : -Room only for 1 or 2 person : -Chambre seule pour 1 ou 2 personnes : -Room only for 1 or 2 person : -Room only for 1 or 2 person : -NbPaxBasisPrice=2MaxNumAdults=99MaxNumChildren=99MaxNumInfants=99MaxNumJuniors=99MaxSeniors=99MaxPaxWithoutInfants=2FreeChild=0FreeInfant=1FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0Ctd=0PricePerPax=0PricePerStay=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su140COMFORT DOUBLE - : Dieses Zimmer beinhaltet:
- 160*200
- Dusche und Toilette
- Haartrockner
- 82 cm Flachbildschirm
- Kabellos
- reversible Klimatisierung
- sicherCOMFORT DOUBLE - : This room includes:
- 160*200
- shower and toilet
- hair dryer
- 82cm flat screen
- Wireless
- reversible climate control
- safeCOMFORT DOUBLE - : Questa camera include:
- 160*200
- doccia e servizi igienici
- asciugacapelli
- Schermo piatto da 82 cm
- Senza fili
- climatizzazione reversibile
- sicuroDOUBLE CONFORT - : Cette chambre comprend :
- 160*200
- douche et wc
- sèche-cheveux
- écran plat 82 cm
- wifi
- climatisation réversible
- coffre-fortCOMFORT DOUBLE - : Esta habitación incluye:
- 160*200
- ducha y aseo
- secador de pelo
- Pantalla plana de 82cm
- Inalámbrica
- climatizador reversible
- caja fuerteCOMFORT DOUBLE - : Deze kamer is inclusief:
- 160*200
- douche en toilet
- haardroger
- 82 cm flatscreen
- Draadloos
- omkeerbare klimaatregeling
- veilig only for 1 or 2 person : -Room only for 1 or 2 person : -Room only for 1 or 2 person : -Chambre seule pour 1 ou 2 personnes : -Room only for 1 or 2 person : -Room only for 1 or 2 person : -NbPaxBasisPrice=2MaxNumAdults=99MaxNumChildren=99MaxNumInfants=99MaxNumJuniors=0MaxSeniors=99MaxPaxWithoutInfants=3FreeChild=0FreeInfant=1FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0Ctd=0PricePerPax=0PricePerStay=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su140COMFORT TWIN BEDS - : Dieses Zimmer beinhaltet:
- 80*200
- Dusche und Toilette
- Haartrockner
- 82 cm Flachbildschirm
- Kabellos
- reversible Klimatisierung
- sicherCOMFORT TWIN BEDS - : This room includes:
- 80*200
- shower and toilet
- hair dryer
- 82cm flat screen
- Wireless
- reversible climate control
- safeCOMFORT TWIN BEDS - : Questa camera include:
- 80*200
- doccia e servizi igienici
- asciugacapelli
- Schermo piatto da 82 cm
- Senza fili
- climatizzazione reversibile
- sicuroLITS JUMEAUX CONFORT - : Cette chambre comprend :
- 80*200
- douche et wc
- sèche-cheveux
- écran plat 82 cm
- wifi
- climatisation réversible
- coffre-fortCOMFORT TWIN BEDS - : Esta habitación incluye:
- 80*200
- ducha y aseo
- secador de pelo
- Pantalla plana de 82cm
- Inalámbrica
- climatizador reversible
- caja fuerteCOMFORT TWIN BEDS - : Deze kamer is inclusief:
- 80*200
- douche en toilet
- haardroger
- 82 cm flatscreen
- Draadloos
- omkeerbare klimaatregeling
- veilig ohne Frühstück : -Room only : -Camera senza prima colazione : -Chambre seule : -Sólo alojamiento : -Slaapkamer alleen : -NbPaxBasisPrice=3MaxNumAdults=99MaxNumChildren=99MaxNumInfants=99MaxNumJuniors=0MaxSeniors=99MaxPaxWithoutInfants=4FreeChild=0FreeInfant=1FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0Ctd=0PricePerPax=0PricePerStay=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su140COMFORT TRIPLE - : Dieses Zimmer auf der 2. und letzten Etage umfasst:
- 160*200 + 80*200
- Dusche und Toilette
- Haartrockner
- 82 cm Flachbildschirm
- Kabellos
- reversible Klimatisierung
- sicherCOMFORT TRIPLE - : This room, located on the 2nd and last floor, includes:
- 160*200 + 80*200
- shower and toilet
- hair dryer
- 82cm flat screen
- Wireless
- reversible climate control
- safeCOMFORT TRIPLE - : Questa camera, situata al 2° ed ultimo piano, comprende:
- 160*200 + 80*200
- doccia e servizi igienici
- asciugacapelli
- Schermo piatto da 82 cm
- Senza fili
- climatizzazione reversibile
- sicuroTRIPLE CONFORT - : Cette chambre , située au 2ème et dernier étage, comprend :
- 160*200 + 80*200
- douche et wc
- sèche-cheveux
- écran plat 82 cm
- wifi
- climatisation réversible
- coffre-fortCOMFORT TRIPLE - : Esta habitación, ubicada en el segundo y último piso, incluye:
- 160*200 + 80*200
- ducha y aseo
- secador de pelo
- Pantalla plana de 82cm
- Inalámbrica
- climatizador reversible
- caja fuerteCOMFORT TRIPLE - : Deze kamer, gelegen op de 2e en laatste verdieping, is inclusief:
- 160*200 + 80*200
- douche en toilet
- haardroger
- 82 cm flatscreen
- Draadloos
- omkeerbare klimaatregeling
- veilig ohne Frühstück : .Room only : .Camera senza prima colazione : .Chambre seule : .Sólo alojamiento : .Slaapkamer alleen : .NbPaxBasisPrice=4MaxNumAdults=99MaxNumChildren=99MaxNumInfants=99MaxNumJuniors=0MaxSeniors=99MaxPaxWithoutInfants=0FreeChild=0FreeInfant=1FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0Ctd=0PricePerPax=0PricePerStay=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su140FAMILY : Dieses Zimmer beinhaltet:
- 160*200 + 140*200
- Dusche und Toilette
- Haartrockner
- 82 cm Flachbildschirm
- Kabellos
- reversible Klimatisierung
- sicher
- BalkonFAMILY : This room includes:
- 160*200 + 140*200
- shower and toilet
- hair dryer
- 82cm flat screen
- Wireless
- reversible climate control
- safe
- balconyFAMILY : Questa camera include:
- 160*200 + 140*200
- doccia e servizi igienici
- asciugacapelli
- Schermo piatto da 82 cm
- Senza fili
- climatizzazione reversibile
- sicuro
- balconeFAMILIALE AVEC TERRASSE : Cette chambre comprend :
- 160*200 + 140*200
- douche et wc
- sèche-cheveux
- écran plat 82 cm
- wifi
- climatisation réversible
- coffre-fort
- balconFAMILY : Esta habitación incluye:
- 160*200 + 140*200
- ducha y aseo
- secador de pelo
- Pantalla plana de 82cm
- Inalámbrica
- climatizador reversible
- caja fuerte
- balcónFAMILY : Deze kamer is inclusief:
- 160*200 + 140*200
- douche en toilet
- haardroger
- 82 cm flatscreen
- Draadloos
- omkeerbare klimaatregeling
- veilig
- balkonLogis Hôtel la Bonne FamilleNiché dans son écrin de verdure, au creux d'un frais vallon quercynois, découvrez la village de Sarrazac. Face à la vieille église romane, l'hôtel restaurant de La Bonne Famille vous accueillera pour une étape ou un séjour. Vous y profiterez de l'ambiance cordiale et familiale du temps jadis tout en ayant à votre disposition une agréable piscine extérieure chauffée et un court de tennis. Une cuisine soignée vous fera découvrir les saveurs et les richesses des produits du terroir de notre belle région.L'hôtel est un point de départ idéal pour de nombreuses excursions: Turenne 7km, Collonges la Rouge 13km, vallée de la Dordogne 14km, Padirac 38km, Rocamadour 35km.A20 sortie n°53, direction Cressensac, prendre route de l'hôpital St Jean puis Sarrazac.4ème génération aux commandes de cette ancienne maison de forgeron. Sa piscine extérieure et son court de tennisdu 01/01 au 29/03 - du 15/11 au 31/12Taxe de séjourANIMAL CHAT/CHIENAnnulation gratuite jusqu'à 2 jour(s) avant la date d'arrivée.
Passé ce délai, le montant correspondant à la première nuit du séjour sera facturé.
En cas de non présentation, 100% du montant total de la réservation sera prélevé.
Annulation sans frais : elle est effective à réception d un email de confirmation de la part de Logis Hotels. Vous avez jusqu à 18h, 2 jours avant votre arrivée pour annuler gratuitement.Aucun prépaiement demandé. Payez la totalité de votre séjour sur place.RESERVATION WEB DIRECT LIT-Chambre seule – 1 ou 2 personnes A 2 LITS-Chambre seule seule seuleM. Jean-Baptiste GuerbyManagerM.Me Michel/Chantal Guerby-AusselDirector4 Rue duélévisionTerrasseAnglaisEspagnolPiscineParking privéClimatisation hôtelParc ou jardinPiscine en plein airPiscine couverteSauna ou hammamSalle de gymnastique / musculationTennisAire de jeux pour les enfantsAnimaux acceptés à l'hôtelSoirée EtapeChambreJardinWifi gratuitAnimaux acceptésChambre non-fumeurFrançaisLocal à VéloPetit déjeuner buffetIndice Sanitaire 7Chèques vacances acceptésWIFILate Check OutEarly Check InClimatisationRANDONNEEParking privé et sécuriséWELTMONDEWORLDMONDOMONDEMUNDOWERELDMONDEEUROPAEUROPEEUROPEEUROPAEUROPEEUROPAEUROPEEUROPEFRANKREICHFRANCEFRANCEFRANCIAFRANCEFRANCIAFRANKRIJKFRANCEMidi PyrenäenMIDI PYRENEESMidi PyreneesMidi PireneiMidi PyrénéesMediodia PirineosMIDI PYRENEESMIDI PYRENEES46-LOT46-LOT46-LOT46-LOT46-LOT46-LOT46-LOT46-LOTSARRAZACSARRAZACSARRAZACSARRAZACSARRAZACSARRAZACSARRAZACSARRAZACLogis Hôtel la Bonne FamilleNestled in a haven of greenery, at the heart of a fresh Quercy valley, discover the village of Sarrazac. Opposite the old Romanesque church, the hotel & restaurant "La Bonne Famille" welcomes guests for an overnight stopover or a longer stay. Enjoy a warm, friendly welcome and profit from our swimming pool and tennis court. Our carefully prepared dishes allow you to discover the wealth of flavours of our fine region.The hotel is the starting point for a range of excursions: Turenne 7km, Collonges la Rouge 13km, Dordogne valley 14km, Padirac 38km, Rocamadour 35km.A20 motorway, exit n°53, direction Cressensac, follow signs to "hôpital St Jean" then "Sarrazac".The 4th generation of the family is running this a former forge. Outdoor pool and tennis courtdu 01/01 au 29/03 - du 15/11 au 31/12Tourist taxCAT OR DOGFree cancellation up to 2 day(s) before the arrival date.
After this period, the amount corresponding to the first night of the stay will be charged.
In case of no-show, 100% of the total amount of the reservation will be charged.
Cancellation free of charge: it is effective upon receipt of a confirmation email from Logis Hotels. You have until 6 p.m., 2 days before your arrival to cancel for free.No prepayment requested. Pay your entire stay on site.RESERVATION WEB DIRECT BED-Only room - 1 or 2 person only only onlyM. Jean-Baptiste GuerbyManagerM.Me Michel/Chantal Guerby-AusselDirector4 Rue du poolCar parkAir-conditioning only in roomsPark or GardenOpen-air swimming poolIndoor swimming poolSauna, turkish bathFitness centerTennisChildren's palygroundAnimals allowed in roomsBusiness StopoversChambreGardenWifi freePets allowedChambre non-fumeurFrenchBike roomBuffet breakfastIndice Sanitaire 7Chèques vacances acceptésWIFILate Check OutEarly Check Inair conditioningHIKINGFree private parking under video surveillanceWELTMONDEWORLDMONDOMONDEMUNDOWERELDMONDEEUROPAEUROPEEUROPEEUROPAEUROPEEUROPAEUROPEEUROPEFRANKREICHFRANCEFRANCEFRANCIAFRANCEFRANCIAFRANKRIJKFRANCEMidi PyrenäenMIDI PYRENEESMidi PyreneesMidi PireneiMidi PyrénéesMediodia PirineosMIDI PYRENEESMIDI PYRENEES46-LOT46-LOT46-LOT46-LOT46-LOT46-LOT46-LOT46-LOTSARRAZACSARRAZACSARRAZACSARRAZACSARRAZACSARRAZACSARRAZACSARRAZAC AND DELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personPREMIUM AND DELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personPREMIUM AND DELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personSOIRÉE ÉTAPE, DINER À PROXIMITÉ PREMIUM ET RÉGAL (hôtel collaborant avec un restaurant partenaire) 1 PersonnePREMIUM AND DELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personPREMIUM AND DELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personNbPaxBasisPrice=1MaxNumAdults=0MaxNumChildren=0MaxNumInfants=0MaxNumJuniors=0MaxSeniors=0MaxPaxWithoutInfants=0FreeChild=0FreeInfant=0FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0PricePerPax=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su1PricePerStay=0Services=HALFBOARDTaxesIncluded=0 BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 PersonPREMIUM BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personPREMIUM BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personSOIRÉE ÉTAPE, DÎNER À PROXIMITÉ PREMIUM (hôtel collaborant avec un restaurant partenaire) 1 PersonnePREMIUM BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personPREMIUM BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personNbPaxBasisPrice=1MaxNumAdults=0MaxNumChildren=0MaxNumInfants=0MaxNumJuniors=0MaxSeniors=0MaxPaxWithoutInfants=0FreeChild=0FreeInfant=0FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0PricePerPax=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su1PricePerStay=0Services=HALFBOARDTaxesIncluded=0 BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personDELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personDELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personSOIRÉE ÉTAPE, DÎNER À PROXIMITE RÉGAL (hôtel collaborant avec un restaurant partenaire) 1 PersonneDELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personDELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER, DINNER AT NEARBY (hotel collaborating with a partner restaurant) 1 personNbPaxBasisPrice=1MaxNumAdults=0MaxNumChildren=0MaxNumInfants=0MaxNumJuniors=0MaxSeniors=0MaxPaxWithoutInfants=0FreeChild=0FreeInfant=0FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0PricePerPax=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su1PricePerStay=0Services=HALFBOARDTaxesIncluded=0 BUSINESS NIGHT WITHOUT DINNER 1 PersonPREMIUM BUSINESS NIGHT WITHOUT DINNER 1 personPREMIUM BUSINESS NIGHT WITHOUT DINNER 1 personNUITEE AFFAIRES PREMIUM 1 PersonnePREMIUM BUSINESS NIGHT WITHOUT DINNER 1 personPREMIUM BUSINESS NIGHT WITHOUT DINNER 1 personNbPaxBasisPrice=1MaxNumAdults=0MaxNumChildren=0MaxNumInfants=0MaxNumJuniors=0MaxSeniors=0MaxPaxWithoutInfants=0FreeChild=0FreeInfant=0FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0PricePerPax=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su1PricePerStay=0Services=BREAKFASTTaxesIncluded=0 AND DELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER (DINNER ON SITE) 1 personPREMIUM AND DELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER (DINNER ON SITE) 1 personPREMIUM AND DELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER (DINNER ON SITE) 1 personSOIRÉE ÉTAPE PREMIUM ET RÉGAL (DÎNER SUR PLACE) 1 PersonnePREMIUM AND DELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER (DINNER ON SITE) 1 personPREMIUM AND DELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER (DINNER ON SITE) 1 personNbPaxBasisPrice=1MaxNumAdults=0MaxNumChildren=0MaxNumInfants=0MaxNumJuniors=0MaxSeniors=0MaxPaxWithoutInfants=0FreeChild=0FreeInfant=0FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0PricePerPax=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su1PricePerStay=0Services=HALFBOARDTaxesIncluded=0 BUSINESS STOP OVER (DINNER ON SITE) 1 personPREMIUM BUSINESS STOP OVER (DINNER ON SITE) 1 personPREMIUM BUSINESS STOP OVER (DINNER ON SITE) 1 personSOIRÉE ÉTAPE PREMIUM (DÎNER SUR PLACE) 1 PersonnePREMIUM BUSINESS STOP OVER (DINNER ON SITE) 1 personPREMIUM BUSINESS STOP OVER (DINNER ON SITE) 1 personNbPaxBasisPrice=1MaxNumAdults=1MaxNumChildren=0MaxNumInfants=0MaxNumJuniors=0MaxSeniors=0MaxPaxWithoutInfants=1FreeChild=0FreeInfant=0FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0PricePerPax=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su1PricePerStay=0Services=HALFBOARDTaxesIncluded=0 BUSINESS STOP OVER 1 personDELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER 1 personDELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER 1 personSOIRÉE ÉTAPE RÉGAL (DÎNER SUR PLACE) 1 PersonneDELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER 1 personDELIGHT BUSINESS STOP OVER 1 personNbPaxBasisPrice=1MaxNumAdults=0MaxNumChildren=0MaxNumInfants=0MaxNumJuniors=0MaxSeniors=0MaxPaxWithoutInfants=0FreeChild=0FreeInfant=0FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0PricePerPax=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su1PricePerStay=0Services=HALFBOARDTaxesIncluded=0 STOP OVER LIGHT DINNER 1 personBUSINESS STOP OVER LIGHT DINNER 1 personBUSINESS STOP OVER LIGHT DINNER 1 personSOIRÉE ÉTAPE PETIT DÎNER 1 PersonneBUSINESS STOP OVER LIGHT DINNER 1 personBUSINESS STOP OVER LIGHT DINNER 1 personNbPaxBasisPrice=1MaxNumAdults=1MaxNumChildren=0MaxNumInfants=0MaxNumJuniors=0MaxSeniors=0MaxPaxWithoutInfants=1FreeChild=0FreeInfant=0FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0PricePerPax=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su1PricePerStay=0Services=HALFBOARDTaxesIncluded=0 1 PersonBUSINESS STOP OVER 1 personLa Serata Tappa Affari 1 personaSoirée Étape 1 PersonneNoche Etapa Negocios 1 personaBUSINESS STOP OVER 1 persoonNbPaxBasisPrice=1MaxNumAdults=1MaxNumChildren=0MaxNumInfants=0MaxNumJuniors=0MaxSeniors=0MaxPaxWithoutInfants=1FreeChild=0FreeInfant=0FreeJunior=0MinNight=1MaxNight=0PricePerPax=0DOWBeginPermitted=Mo1Tu1We1Th1Fr1Sa1Su1PricePerStay=0Services=HALFBOARDTaxesIncluded=0